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男士脫髮 Male Hair Loss


按照客人情況度身訂製療程 詳情請預約頭皮分析檢測 新客人只接受電話📞預約/查詢 93212349 3分鐘了解現況>合適項目>預約日期 男士脫髮、頭皮、頭油、發炎和敏感可能有多種原因,包括: 過度/缺乏清潔:頭皮過度清潔或使用過多的洗髮水可能導致頭皮過度乾燥,刺激油脂腺產生更多的油脂,進而引起頭皮發炎和敏感。 毛囊堵塞:過多的油脂、死皮細胞和其他污垢可能堵塞毛囊,造成頭皮發炎和敏感。這也可能導致脫髮問題。 頭皮老化:頭髮生長期為2-6年。而老化會令頭皮新陳代謝速度減慢,導致毛囊活力減弱,從而縮短頭髮生長期。當新生頭髮生長速度不及舊有頭髮脫落速度,就會導致髮量變稀疏。頭髮生長需要各種營養,通過血液循環輸送到頭皮及毛囊。隨著年齡增長,頭皮血液循環、頭皮防禦能力可能會變差,導致頭髮獲得的營養及氧氣減少,進而影響頭髮生長狀況。 過敏反應:某些頭皮護理產品、洗髮水、染髮劑或其他化學物質可能引起頭皮過敏反應,導致頭皮發炎和脫髮。 油指因素:某些人天生就有較多的油脂腺,這使得他們更容易出現頭皮油脂分泌過多的情況。這種情況可能增加頭皮發炎和敏感的風險。 飲食因素:飲食不健康、攝入過多的油脂和糖分可能導致頭皮油脂分泌增加,嚴重時可能引起頭皮發炎和敏感。 生活方式和環境因素:壓力、不良的睡眠習慣、環境污染和空氣中的化學物質等都可能導致頭皮發炎和敏感。 如果您有脫髮、頭皮屑、頭油、頭皮發炎或頭皮敏感的問題,建議您諮詢自然療髮中心®的意見。我們可以評估您的情況並提供適當的療程建議,包括特定的專業療程、洗護髮產品、頭皮護理、生活方式調整和持續護理跟進等。 Tailor-made treatments according to client’s condition, for details, please make an appointment for scalp analysis service. New customers only accept appointment/inquiries by phone 📞 93212349 3 minutes phone consultation > Suitability > Make appointment Hair loss, scalp oil, inflammation and sensitivity in men can have many causes, including: Over/lack of cleansing: Over-cleansing the scalp or using too much shampoo can lead to excessive dryness of the scalp, stimulating the oil glands to produce more oil, which can lead to scalp inflammation and sensitivity. Clogged hair follicles: Excess oil, dead skin cells, and other dirt can clog hair follicles, causing scalp inflammation and sensitivity. This may also lead to hair loss problems. Scalp aging: The hair growth phase lasts 2-6 years. Aging will slow down the metabolism of the scalp, causing the vitality of hair follicles to weaken, thereby shortening the hair growth phase. When new hair does not grow as fast as old hair, it will cause hair to become thinner. Hair growth requires various nutrients, which are transported to the scalp and hair follicles through blood circulation. As we age, the blood circulation and defense capabilities of the scalp may deteriorate, resulting in less nutrients and oxygen for the hair, thus affecting hair growth. Allergic Reactions: Certain scalp care products, shampoos, hair dyes, or other chemicals may cause allergic reactions on the scalp, leading to scalp inflammation and hair loss. The oil finger factor: Some people are born with more oil glands, which makes them more susceptible to excessive scalp oil production. This condition may increase the risk of scalp inflammation and sensitivity. Dietary factors: Unhealthy diet and excessive intake of oil and sugar may lead to increased scalp oil secretion, which may cause scalp inflammation and sensitivity in severe cases. Lifestyle and environmental factors: Stress, poor sleeping habits, environmental pollution, and chemicals in the air can all contribute to scalp inflammation and sensitivity. If you suffer from hair loss, dandruff, oily scalp, scalp inflammation or scalp sensitivity, it is recommended that you seek advice from Natural Hair Recovery Center®. We can assess your situation and provide appropriate treatment recommendations, including specific professional treatments, hair care products, scalp treatments, lifestyle adjustments and ongoing care follow-up.
