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假髮頭皮護理 Wig Scalp Care


佩戴假髮多年? 最近開始? 假髮是許多人為了美觀或覆蓋脫髮選擇的方法。然而,如果不適當照顧頭皮和假髮,可能會導致一些問題,如頭皮痕癢和頭皮炎。假髮頭皮護理療程可以深層清潔毛囊,減少累積的污垢與油脂,舒緩頭皮痕癢和炎症,增強頭皮健康,並促進頭皮血液循環,有助於頭髮生長和維持其自然的光澤度。 以下是一些帶假髮後需要注意的護理事項及可能衍生的問題: 佩戴帶假髮的護理事項: 1. 保持頭皮清潔 - 定期洗頭,使用溫和的洗髮水,避免使用刺激性強的洗髮產品。 - 確保在戴假髮前頭皮完全乾燥。 2. 選擇合適的假髮材質 - 優先選擇透氣性好的天然纖維(如真人頭髮)或高質量的合成材料。 - 避免使用過於緊繃或重的假髮,以減少對頭皮的壓迫。 3. 定期清洗假髮 - 根據指示清洗假髮,避免積累皮脂、汗水和灰塵。 4. 避免長時間連續佩戴 - 給頭皮一些呼吸的空間,每天摘下假髮讓皮膚休息。 5. 使用抗敏感產品 - 如果你的頭皮容易敏感,選擇抗過敏或無香料的頭皮護理產品。 6. 正確存放 - 當不使用時,將假髮放在通風良好的地方,避免陽光直射和潮濕。 佩戴可能衍生的問題: 1. 頭皮痕癢 - 因為假髮底部的摩擦或是材質引起的過敏反應。 2. 接觸性皮炎 - 長時間接觸某些材料可能導致過敏反應,表現為紅疹、痕癢或脫皮。 3. 毛囊炎 - 假髮的壓迫可能導致毛囊受損,出現紅腫或膿包。 4. 頭皮脫水 - 長時間佩戴假髮可能導致頭皮缺乏必要的空氣和水分,引起乾燥和緊繃感。 佩戴帶假髮通過遵循這些護理建議,可以有效地減少佩戴假髮可能引起的頭皮問題,保持頭皮的健康。如果你想了解更多關於佩戴假髮後進行護理保養療程或懷疑自己出現頭皮護理問題,建議您諮詢自然療髮中心®的意見。評估您的情況並提供適當的療程建議。 Wearing wigs for many years? Recently started? Wigs are the method of choice for many people for aesthetic purposes or to cover hair loss. However, if you don't take proper care of your scalp and wig, it can lead to problems such as itchy scalp and dandruff. Wig scalp care treatments can deeply cleanse hair follicles, reduce accumulated dirt and oil, soothe scalp itchiness and inflammation, enhance scalp health, and promote scalp blood circulation, helping hair grow and maintain its natural luster. The following are some care items and possible problems that need to be paid attention to after wearing a wig: Care instructions for wearing a wig: 1. Keep your scalp clean - Wash your hair regularly, use mild shampoo and avoid using harsh shampoo products. - Make sure your scalp is completely dry before putting on your wig. 2. Choose the right wig material - Prefer breathable natural fibers (such as human hair) or high-quality synthetic materials. - Avoid using wigs that are too tight or heavy to reduce pressure on your scalp. 3. Clean your wig regularly - Wash your wig as directed to avoid accumulation of sebum, sweat and dust. 4. Avoid wearing it continuously for a long time - Give your scalp some room to breathe and take off your wig every day to let your skin rest. 5. Use anti-allergic products - If your scalp is prone to sensitivity, choose anti-allergenic or fragrance-free scalp care products. 6. Store correctly - When not in use, place the wig in a well-ventilated area away from direct sunlight and moisture. Problems that may arise from wearing it: 1. Itchy scalp - Due to friction at the bottom of the wig or allergic reaction caused by the material. 2. Contact dermatitis - Prolonged contact with certain materials may cause an allergic reaction manifested as red rash, itching or peeling. 3. Folliculitis - The pressure of the wig may cause damage to the hair follicles, resulting in redness, swelling or pustules. 4. Scalp dehydration - Wearing a wig for a long time may cause the scalp to lack necessary air and moisture, causing dryness and tightness. By following these care recommendations when wearing a wig, you can effectively reduce the scalp problems that may be caused by wearing a wig and keep your scalp healthy. If you want to know more about care and maintenance after wearing a wig or suspect that you have scalp care problems, we recommend that you seek advice from Natural Hair Recovery Center®. Assess your situation and advise on an appropriate course of treatment.


佩戴假髮多年? 最近開始?



1. 保持頭皮清潔
- 定期洗頭,使用溫和的洗髮水,避免使用刺激性強的洗髮產品。
- 確保在戴假髮前頭皮完全乾燥。

2. 選擇合適的假髮材質
- 優先選擇透氣性好的天然纖維(如真人頭髮)或高質量的合成材料。
- 避免使用過於緊繃或重的假髮,以減少對頭皮的壓迫。

3. 定期清洗假髮
- 根據指示清洗假髮,避免積累皮脂、汗水和灰塵。

4. 避免長時間連續佩戴
- 給頭皮一些呼吸的空間,每天摘下假髮讓皮膚休息。

5. 使用抗敏感產品
- 如果你的頭皮容易敏感,選擇抗過敏或無香料的頭皮護理產品。

6. 正確存放
- 當不使用時,將假髮放在通風良好的地方,避免陽光直射和潮濕。


1. 頭皮痕癢
- 因為假髮底部的摩擦或是材質引起的過敏反應。

2. 接觸性皮炎
- 長時間接觸某些材料可能導致過敏反應,表現為紅疹、痕癢或脫皮。

3. 毛囊炎
- 假髮的壓迫可能導致毛囊受損,出現紅腫或膿包。

4. 頭皮脫水
- 長時間佩戴假髮可能導致頭皮缺乏必要的空氣和水分,引起乾燥和緊繃感。




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