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頭皮護理 Scalp Care Treatment

頭皮護理療程 Scalp Care Treatment




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1. 促進頭皮健康:一個健康的頭皮是健康頭髮的基礎。頭皮護理療程可以幫助清潔頭皮、去除頭皮屑、油脂和污垢,從而促進頭皮的健康狀態。一個清潔的頭皮可以促進頭髮的生長,減少脫髮。

2. 激活頭皮血液循環:頭皮護理療程通常包括按摩頭部和頭皮的步驟,這可以刺激頭皮的血液循環。良好的血液循環可以確保頭皮獲得足夠的營養和氧氣,有助於促進頭髮的生長和防止脫髮。

3. 清潔堵塞的毛囊:頭皮護理療程可以深層清潔頭皮,去除油脂、污垢和頭皮屑的堵塞物。當毛囊被堵塞時,會阻礙頭髮的生長並導致脫髮。通過清潔毛囊,頭皮護理可以促進頭髮的生長和減少脫髮。

4. 舒緩頭皮不適:某些頭皮問題,如頭皮屑、頭皮炎症或過敏反應,可能導致頭髮脆弱和脫髮。頭皮護理療程可以舒緩頭皮不適的症狀,恢復頭皮的平衡,減少頭髮脆弱和脫髮的風險。


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Scalp care plays an important role in preventing and reducing hair loss. Here are the links between scalp care and hair loss:

1. Promote scalp health: A healthy scalp is the basis for healthy hair. Scalp care treatments promote a healthy scalp by helping to cleanse it and remove dandruff, oil and dirt. A clean scalp promotes hair growth and reduces hair loss.

2. Activate blood circulation in the scalp: Scalp care treatments often include the step of massaging the head and scalp, which stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. Good blood circulation ensures that the scalp receives adequate nutrients and oxygen, helping to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

3. Cleans clogged hair follicles: Scalp care treatments deeply cleanse your scalp, removing clogs of oil, dirt and dandruff. When hair follicles become clogged, it can hinder hair growth and cause hair loss. By cleaning hair follicles, scalp care can promote hair growth and reduce hair loss.

4. Soothes scalp discomfort: Certain scalp problems, such as dandruff, scalp inflammation, or allergic reactions, can lead to brittle hair and hair loss. Scalp care treatments can soothe symptoms of scalp discomfort, restore balance to the scalp, and reduce the risk of hair brittleness and hair loss.

Although scalp care treatments are beneficial for hair health and reducing hair loss, please note that if you are experiencing severe hair loss, it is best to seek professional advice from Natural Hair Recovery Center to arrange the best treatment for your situation.

Tailor-made treatments according to client’s condition, for details, please make an appointment for scalp analysis service.
New customers only accept appointment/inquiries by phone 📞 93212349
3 minutes phone consultation > Suitability > Make appointment

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