購物滿 HKD 1000.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨 )
Cari kami
Produk (s)
產品 Product
Step 1 洗頭水 Shampoo
Step 2 護髮素 Conditioner
Step 3 修復矯正 Repair and corrective
Step 4 特別護理 Special Care
Step 5 精華素 Serum
Step 6 造型 Styling
服務 Services
Cara Pembayaran
Kaedah Penghantaran
Sudut ahli
Polisi Pulangan & Bayaran Balik
Tentang Kami
個案 Cases
頭皮護理 Scalp Care
產品使用步驟 Hair Care Routines
頭皮檢測 Hair Check
預約 Appointment
諮詢留位費Consultation Deposit
預約留位費 Booking Deposit
預約須知 Booking Instructions
公平預約政策 Fairbooking Policy
頭皮類型 Scalp Type
頭皮類型 Scalp Types
油性頭皮 Oily Scalp
中性頭皮 Combination Scalp
乾性頭皮 Dry Scalp
敏感性頭皮 Sensitive Scalp
頭髮護理知識 Haircare Knowledge
電子禮券 E-Gift Card
旅行裝產品 Travel edition
地址 Address
Produk (s)
Cara Pembayaran
Kaedah Penghantaran
Sudut ahli
Polisi Pulangan & Bayaran Balik
Tentang Kami
個案 Cases
頭皮護理 Scalp Care
產品使用步驟 Hair Care Routines
頭皮檢測 Hair Check
預約 Appointment
諮詢留位費Consultation Deposit
預約留位費 Booking Deposit
預約須知 Booking Instructions
公平預約政策 Fairbooking Policy
頭皮類型 Scalp Type
頭皮類型 Scalp Types
油性頭皮 Oily Scalp
中性頭皮 Combination Scalp
乾性頭皮 Dry Scalp
敏感性頭皮 Sensitive Scalp
頭髮護理知識 Haircare Knowledge
電子禮券 E-Gift Card
旅行裝產品 Travel edition
地址 Address
公平預約政策預約留位費 Booking Deposit Fair Booking Policy
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公平預約政策,以確保其他客戶有機會預約 • 錯過時限繳付留位費 • 預約了時段,未付款留位費又再次更改預約 如預約上出現了以上情況。基於公平預約政策,以確保其他客戶有機會預約,再查詢預約日期空缺前,需要先付款留位費後才能查詢空缺及預約。 此項目不適用於有留位費保留的客人。 條款及細則: ‧付款後,才可以向我們查詢預約時間及日期 ‧如有任何爭議,我們保留最終決定權 ‧預約按金用作繳付療程費用,不可退款 ‧預約只能更改1次,需36 小時前通知 ‧如臨時取消、遲到超過15分鐘、因任何理由缺席,除出示當天有效的醫生証明,否則將會扣除留位費不設退款或更改 ‧關於惡劣天氣安排,當天文台於預約時段2小時前懸掛黑色暴雨警告、8號或以上風球,預約可以安排更改 Fair booking policy to ensure other customers have the opportunity to book an appointment • Missed the time limit of payment🕰️ (booking deposit) • Made a booking, but booking deposit wasn't paid yet and need to change the booking again If the above situation occurs. Based on the fair reservation policy to ensure that other customers have the opportunity to make an appointment, before checking the appointment date vacancies, you need to pay the booking deposit before you can check the vacancies and make reservations. This program is not applicable to guests with booking deposit kept. This program is not applicable to guests with reservation fee. Terms and Conditions: ‧Only after payment has been made, customer can inquire with us about the appointment time and date ‧In case of any dispute, we reserve the right to make the final decision ‧The booking deposit is used to pay for the treatment and is non-refundable ‧A reservation can only be changed once, and 36 hours notice is required ‧If you cancel at short notice, late for more than 15 minutes, or absent with any other reason, the reservation will be deemed to have been used ‧If you fail to attend or are absent from the scheduled treatment, you must present a on day valid doctor's certificate, otherwise the reservation fee will be deducted and no refund or change will be made ‧Regarding severe weather arrangements, when the observatory issues a black rainstorm warning or typhoon signal No. 8 or above 2 hours before the reservation time, the reservation can be changed
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